Through the Witches Stone

Through the Witches Stone
Publisher Name
Timber Ghost Press
Age Range
Release Date
April 11, 2023
"Didn't anyone tell you that you come from a long line of witches?"

Hadley thought her summer at her grandma's house in the woods would be boring. No cell phones, no neighbors, just her brothers, her grandparents, and her amongst the trees in an old house full of chores to be done. But a single question changes everything and throws her into a summer filled with magic, adventure, and terror.

Who is the strange girl who comes in the middle of the night? And why is there a picture of her in Mom's old room? What sort of creatures fill the woods, and will they help or try to stop her as she makes a desperate attempt to save her family? The answers lie in a perilous journey through the witches stone.

Editor review

1 review
great atmospheric read
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Through the Witches Stone is a great atmospheric read perfect for late-night fright or Halloween vibes. Hadley is not happy that her mother is dropping her off for weeks at her grandma’s farmhouse with her creepy twin younger brothers in tow. However, things take an intriguing turn when her grandma reveals she is descended from witches and it is time to start her lessons in magic.
There are hints early on that something is a bit different about her grandpa, the twins, and especially the woods. Grandma has secrets locked behind doors and rules that make no sense to Hadley. The buildup to the big reveals has great spooky vibes but I did want to shake Hadley multiple times for disregarding all red flags and having no sense of danger until her brothers and grandma get kidnapped by an evil force that has been plaguing the woods.
Scott A Johnson hits his stride once Hadley is in the woods and meets members of the folk willing to help her on her journey. Gristle, the Puckwudgie, was a clear favorite with his grumpy complaints about People and his loyal steadfast position by her side. The Brownies, Tom and Jerry, are darling additions to the team. With this group, she had a good chance of saving her family despite all the dangers in the forest.
Overall, this was a quick read with good atmospheric vibes for a spooky but not scary younger YA book. While this tale is a stand-alone story, the camaraderie established between Hadley, Gristle, Tom, and Jerry could be explored further in another book. Fans of Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series may enjoy this as a next read.

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