Burning Crowns (Twin Crowns 3)

Burning Crowns (Twin Crowns 3)
Co-Authors / Illustrators
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Release Date
May 07, 2024
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The final book in the swoony and high-stakes fantasy rom-com trilogy that began with Twin Crowns, about twin princesses separated at birth—from bestselling authors Catherine Doyle and Katherine Webber.
Twin queens Rose & Wren survived the Battle for Anadawn and brought back magic to their kingdom. But danger lurks in Eana’s shadows.

Wren is troubled. Ever since she performed the blood spell on Prince Ansel, her magic has become unruly. Worse, the spell created a link between Wren and the very man she’s trying to forget: Icy King Alarik of Gevra. A curse is eating away at both of them. To fix it they must journey to the northern mountains—under the watchful guard of Captain Tor Iversen—to consult with the Healer on High.

Rose is haunted. Waking one night to find her undead ancestor Oonagh Starcrest by her bed, she receives a warning: Surrender the throne—or face a war that will destroy Eana. With nowhere to turnand desperate to find a weapon to defeat Oonagh, Rose seeks help from Shen-Lo in the Sunkissed Kingdom, but what she finds there may break her heart.

As Oonagh threatens all Rose and Wren hold dear, it will take everything they have to save Eana—including a sacrifice they may not be prepared to make.

Editor review

1 review
Fight to end the curses
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Burning Crowns is the final book in The Twin Crowns trilogy, and it has everything you could want in a finale. Characters' lives are at stake, there are romantic complications, and there are plenty of heartwarming moments while Wren and Rose are battling their ancestors. Though these two sisters did not know that each other existed at the start of this series, one knew all about their witchy ancestry. One did not. They come together over these two books to fight for their world and to prove witches are not all evil and what you choose to do with your power that makes you good or evil. The Twin Crowns is the perfect mix of magic, romance, and drama that will make you want to stay up too late to finish this series.
These two authors are brilliant together, and I recommend watching for their next writing adventure.
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