Godfather Death

Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
September 07, 2023
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A soul-stirring reimagined Grimm tale by award-winning author Sally Nicholls and hauntingly illustrated by Júlia Sardà which will spellbind and thrill readers of all ages.

When a poor fisherman chooses Death to be godfather to his son, he’s sure he’s made a good choice – for surely there’s no man more honest than Death? At the christening, Death gives the fisherman a gift that seems at first to be the key to the family’s fortune, but when greed overcomes the fisherman, he learns that nobody can truly cheat Death . . .

Editor review

1 review
Charming and Haunting Retelling
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Fisherman is looking for a godfather for his son, someone to make up for his humble means and to be honest...like Death. Death readily agrees and grants the fisherman an uncanny power in order to provide for his family, but this ability comes with its own dangers, and the fisherman may not know the full cost until it is too late.

I loved this story! In the way of fables, the fisherman is unphased to encounter God, the devil, and other powers, and I enjoyed his pragmatism during unusual circumstances. Death also has an understated humor which is endearing yet macabre.

I'm not super familiar with the original fairy tale, but the narrative here feels right in line with that style and it's a super easy read. The woodcut style of the illustrations also perfectly fits a retelling of an older story while also matching the somewhat bleak aspects of life which the fisherman is forced to face.

A great read for those who love classic fables and the many faces of Death.
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