About This Book:
Miriam is so surprised when her friend Connor kisses her that she doesn’t know how to react. Not sure what to do, she turns to the people around her–her best friend, the recess monitor, her teacher–but everyone has a different reaction and advice for Miriam. It’s not until she gets home and talks with her mom that Miriam stops to ask herself how she feels about Connor’s kiss.
*Review Contributed by Bethany Wicker, FB & X Manager, Staff Reviewer*
When Connor kisses Miriam at school, she’s startled and unsure what she thinks about it. She goes around telling everyone she can including her friends and adults, trying to figure out what she should do. When asked if she likes it, she realizes she doesn’t, so she receives some good advice.
CONNOR KISSED ME teaches children the power of saying no when you don’t like something and that it’s important to set boundaries if you feel uncomfortable. It also shows that it’s okay to ask others for help when you’re unsure about how to react in a situation. The illustrations are bold with their cartoon-style.
Final Verdict: I would recommend this to school aged children four and up who are learning about social issues, like kissing. Children are exposed to so many different things and this offers a good visual for a time when you should say no.
*Find More Info & Buy This Book HERE!*