Guest Post with Adi Denner (The Kiss of the Nightingale)!

Today we are excited to share a guest post from author Adi Denner,

The Kiss of the Nightingale!

Read on for more about the author and The Kiss of the Nightingale!




Meet Adi Denner!

Adi Denner was only 13 years old when the enchanted notes of the opera La Traviata by Verdi stole her heart. She is now a professionally trained opera singer with a specialization in contemporary operas. But having too much creative energy to be contained to a single discipline, Adi also discovered painting, sculpting, wood carving, knitting, theatre, 3D art, and her burning love for writing. Her books are heavily inspired by her constant aspiration to intertwine her passions and her firm belief that art is magic.

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About the Book: The Kiss of the Nightingale

1890, Lutèce: In this city, Talents are everything: precious gems that gift unrivalled skills to their owners. The most coveted, Elite Talents, are claimed by the aristocracy, passed through generations by blood magic.

Cleodora dreamed of inheriting her father’s Tailoring Talent, but when he died, the magic died with him. Now she’s left with empty promises, a dress shop she can’t keep afloat, and her bed-ridden younger sister.

But everything changes when she meets the dark-eyed Lady Dahlia Sibille. Dahlia offers Cleodora a Singing Talent — a chance to save her beloved sister and rewrite her own fate. From the first instant, Cleodora is bewitched. . . there’s just one catch: she needs to steal an Elite Talent from the prestigious Lenoir family.

As Lutèce’s nightingale, Cleodora is the star of the opera’s galas and balls, worlds away from the darkness and dust of home. But the handsome yet infuriating Vicomte Lenoir is nothing like she expected.

Soon, the Vicomte’s teasing smiles win her over, even as Dahlia’s seductive whispers linger in her ears. Torn between Dahlia, who gave her everything, and the Vicomte, who holds the price of her freedom, is Cleodora in danger of losing it all? Or can she prove that magic isn’t the only gift that counts?

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~ Guest Post ~


Embracing Your Inner Diva– by Adi Denner

When you hear the word “diva,” what comes to mind? If you’re thinking of some celebrity demanding a diamond-studded water bottle or throwing a tantrum, you’re not alone. But here’s the thing: that’s not what a diva is supposed to be. And it’s definitely not what being a diva should mean.

Believe it or not, the word diva comes from the Latin word for “goddess.” It first emerged in the early 19th century when leading sopranos in the opera world were so widely celebrated that audiences viewed them as goddess-like. These women were fierce, confident, and owned their talent. It wasn’t about being difficult—it was about knowing your worth and not letting anyone tell you otherwise.

A diva was, and still should be, someone to admire—a woman who commands the room, not through arrogance but through talent, determination, and self-respect.

So where did it all go wrong? Over time the word diva got distorted into something it was never meant to be, turning a term of power into a stereotype of indulgence or selfishness. And, let’s be real—most of the time it’s used against women. If you’re too confident or speak your mind, suddenly you’re labeled a diva in the worst possible way. The world doesn’t always know how to handle a woman who owns her power—so they slap a label on her to make her feel small.

Well, I say it’s time we changed that, because, honestly, being called a diva should be the biggest compliment ever.

If you think about your day-to-day life, how often are you told to tone it down? To not be too confident? But here’s a secret: the people who make the biggest impact are the ones who are unapologetically themselves. They’re the ones who go for what they want, even if it means standing out. The ones who dare saying:  “Yes, I am talented. Yes, I am capable. And no, I’m not going to shrink myself to make anyone else comfortable.”

Being a diva is about walking into a room with your head held high, knowing you deserve to be there, even when you’re shaking inside. It’s about owning your talents, whether it’s being the fastest on your track team, killing it in theater, or starting a side hustle after school. Divas don’t wait for permission to shine—they just do.

In my novel, The Kiss of the Nightingale, the protagonist Cleodora embodies this journey. . Although she becomes an opera star almost overnight, she doesn’t embrace the meaning of being a diva right away. Her transformation isn’t about instant success or perfection. Instead, it’s about her struggle, growth, and discovery of inner strength. She faces setbacks, but through each challenge, Cleodora uncovers more of her true potential, revealing the qualities that make her a diva—not just her magical singing Talent, but her resilience, intelligence, and finally her belief in herself. Through Cleodora’s journey, I wanted to show that being a diva is about embracing your power, even when the world tries to tell you that you’re not enough.

It’s not always easy to be confident. We live in a world that constantly tells us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or cool enough. Social media alone can make you feel like you’re always falling short. You scroll through TikTok or Instagram, and it feels like everyone else has it all figured out—while you’re stuck comparing yourself.

But being a diva means breaking out of that cycle. It’s about knowing that none of those external things define you. It’s tied to how you see yourself. And when you start believing in your own power, people around you will start to see it too.

And this isn’t just a message for women—it’s a message for everyone. Anyone can benefit from the mindset of a diva: the confidence to take up space, the resilience to keep going when things get tough.

So, here’s my challenge to you: next time someone uses the word “diva” in a negative way, flip the script. Take it as a compliment. The world could always use more divas—people who aren’t afraid to stand out, speak up, and shine bright. So why not be one of them?




Title: The Kiss of the Nightingale

Author: Adi Denner

Release Date: October 1, 2024

Publisher: Tundra Books

Genre: YA Romantasy

Age Range: 14+