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4.3 105
Middle Grade Fiction 2088
Astonshing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reader reviewed by HUNTER 14

hi! im writing to you about this astonishing book called (Among the Hidden), the auther of this book is Margeret p.Haddix. And its also a mystery book if some of you like a little mystery, and its kind of a thriller to!   this book will leave you so seechless that will make you beginning for more.

the setting for this story is basically the present day because the poeple from the story have computer's, t,v's and lots of things that we have today. The auther mad  me feel like part of the story because he made everything realistice to my imagination, And he also made every sound,fealing sound more real to me.

 The main characters of this astanashing good book are Luke, Jen, Jens Dad. The auther makes this fake characters come to life when you read this book, its like they are so real to us.

Among The Hidden is a good book ,it will you speechless , and with a fat "OMG" thats how it will leave you when your done with the whloe book.

I would recommend this book to all the good readers out there and I hope you will enjoy this book as much as i did!  :) :) :) :) :)
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