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4.3 105
Middle Grade Fiction 2088
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Reader reviewed by claudia

Hey! Are you looking for a good book to read? well you should check out "Among the hidden" by margaret peterson Haddix. Its the kind of story that the author makes you feel like your in the story and you can picture the scenes.
Its also taken place in the present.
I also like the story because the author makes the characters seem real.
I like the all the characters in the story exept for the goverment because they arent fair in the story and they have a lot of rules.
This book has a lot of surprices. some are bad and some are good but my faviorite surprices in the story are the ones that you didnt know was coming.
i think this is  a really good book to read. i recommend that you read this book  if you like realistic fiction stories. You would really enjoy this story.

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