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4.3 105
Middle Grade Fiction 2088
Illegal Kids!!!
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Reader reviewed by Trysi

Among The Hidden is and awesome book by my favorite author, Margeret Peterson Haddix. This book is an action/adventure book, with a plot that totally draws you in. This book takes place in future America, when they have almost run out of food, and have rations. Part of this rationing is to only allow 2 children per household. If, for any reason, someone decides to not follow this law, the illegal 3rd child is killed. Our main character is a 12-year-old 3rd child named Luke. He has two older brothers, Matthew and Mark, who are both perfectly legal, and go to school like normal kids. Luke, however, has to stay hidden at home in his attic, because the Population Police, a group of people who hunt for illegal 3rd kids, might find him. One day he sees a girl in the window of his neighbors house. He thinks he might be imagining it, because his neighbors already have 2 kids, unless...the girl might be an illegal 3rd child like him! While Luke is determined to find out what the deal is, the food is getting scarcer and scarcer, and the Population Police are getting more careful. Will Luke ever find out, or will the Population Police get to him first? Read this exciting book, that will keep you flipping page after page, to find out!!!
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