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4.3 105
Middle Grade Fiction 2088
what a great book i definitely recomend it!
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Reader reviewed by erika

my history teacher began to read this book and i liked it so much that i checked it out from the library and as i finished it i looked for more books on this author. amazing how many great books she's written but this book was the beginning of 7 that the author wrote and it began in suspense and ended in it. i really like the main character who goes by the name of luke garner but changes it to go to a school. he's a third child and since this book is in the future, having more than 2 kids is illegal. once luke befriends a girl named jen, they begin a quest to be freed. it ends sadly but i won't spoil the ending by saying what occured, but this book is interesting and once you read it you'll want to read more! and don't worry there are 7 more books with the continue of the third children wanting to be free! this is a great book and i recommend it for people who love reading and for those who don't b/c once you read the first sentence you won't want to let go of the book!
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