Ansuz: The Whisper of Ravens

Ansuz: The Whisper of Ravens
Co-Authors / Illustrators
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Release Date
November 14, 2023
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Part thriller, part fantasy, this book will appeal to anyone interested in the supernatural, murder mysteries, or Norse mythology.

For fans of The Raven Boys and American Gods.

Fantasy, crime, and Norse gods come together when it emerges that a series of bestial murders is connected with an ancient prophecy about the end of the world. Anna can see events from the past, and one night she glimpses an old and horrible murder: a red-haired girl is killed and a rune carved into her back. Shortly afterward, someone begins killing red-haired girls in the same manner, and the rune is found on all of them. Suddenly the little town is full of strangers. They have mysterious powers, and are drawn to Anna, who isn’t used to being near other people. Several of the strangers want to help her, but it takes a long time before she knows which of them she can trust. Playing on such classic themes as good versus evil, the book is at once a fantasy, a thriller, and a coming-of-age story.

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Ansuz - Review
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This might get rambly in the best possible way - let's do this

WHAT A BOOK!!! First, literally - what a book. This book is over 700 pages long but not once does it ever feel boring or long. Every page is important. Every page left me wanting more. I am going to do the best I can on writing about this story WITHOUT spoiling it. Our book starts off with the beginning of the school year and our main girl, Anna. Anna is somewhat of an "outcast" in this society. Orphaned and not well liked, Anna has found a way to keep to herself, while also defending herself. Then walks in two new students - Mathias and Luna - who don't take no for an answer when trying to befriend Anna. This is where Anna's life drastically changes. And what an amazing journey this was. I can't even begin to explain all the twists and turns this book had and not once did it ever get old. I had a fun time guessing who was who since this is heavily inspired by Norse Mythology and not ONCE was I correct. And then the ending. Hi, I need book 2 like yesterday.

With such an amazing story, you need an amazing cast. AND THE CAST WAS AMAZING. Let me tell you how much I loved Anna. Her journey and character development was like none other. She starts off stoic and strong and independent (which makes complete sense as the story develops) but by the end how she opens herself and lets others in, it's just incredible to see the more vulnerable parts of her personality you didn't get in the first half of the book. And not only Anna. The supporting characters were written just as amazing. While all of this book was taken place in Anna's point of view - you feel like you know the other characters just as well. There is not a single character I was not invested in. Everything that happened to them, I felt. And with being a character driven reader - this is what I love.

Overall, Ansuz by Malene Sølvsten was an excellent read. Be prepared to set some time aside because this is a big book but it is so worth it. I wish I could go into more details about what awed me but those are things you have to experience for yourself. The story is so well crafted and such a fast pace that this won't feel like a 700+ book in the end. Along with a great story, the characters are even better. Anna is such a great main character and the development of her character was amazing. The way she changed as the pages flipped - it was perfect harmony. But it wasn't only Anna. All of the side characters were written not as side characters, but integral to the main story as well. If you like Norse Mythology, fantasy, great characters, and an overall satisfying read - do NOT sleep on this book. Please, read it.
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