Author Chat with Kellie M. Parker (THIN AIR), Plus Giveaway! ~ US ONLY

Today we are very excited to share an interview with author Kellie M. Parker!

Read on to learn more about the author, the book, and a giveaway!




Meet the Author: Kellie M. Parker

Kellie M. Parker is an award-winning writer of YA fantasy and thrillers. She has college degrees in biology and nautical archaeology, but she’s always found her sense of adventure most satisfied by a great story. When not writing, Kellie can be found teaching her four children, camping, baking, and gardening. She lives with her family in west Michigan.

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About the Book: Thin Air

Eight hours. Twelve contestants. A flight none of them might survive. A flight to Paris full of teenagers seeking opportunity turns deadly in this suspenseful, locked-door YA thriller. Perfect for fans of Diana Urban, Karen McManus, and Jessica Goodman.


Seventeen-year-old boarding school student Emily Walters is selected for an opportunity of a lifetime—she’ll compete abroad for a cash prize that will cover not only tuition to the college of her choice, but will lift her mother and her out of poverty.

But almost from the moment she and 11 other contestants board a private jet to Europe, Emily realizes somebody is willing to do anything to win. Between keeping an eye on her best friend’s flirty boyfriend and hiding her own dark secrets, she’s not sure how she’ll survive the contest, much less the flight. Especially when people start dying…

As loyalties shift and secrets are revealed, Emily must figure out who to trust, and who’s trying to kill them all, before she becomes the next victim.

Purchase * Goodreads




~Author Chat~


YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

My agent actually pitched the initial concept when she suggested I write a thriller about a group of teens on a class trip trapped on an airplane with a killer. As I mulled the idea over, I thought about one of my favorite childhood mystery books, The Westing Game. From there, I got the inspiration for creating a diverse cast of characters—all with their own secrets—competing for a prize, and the scholarship competition for THIN AIR was born.

YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book?

That’s like asking me to pick a favorite child! I love Emily as the narrator and Liam as her love interest, but I confess my favorite character to write was Simon. With his brilliant mind and total lack of social skills, he was constantly surprising me with his snarky responses. And like him, I’ve carried a book along with me as a security blanket on a more than a few occasions—though never a math textbook.

YABC: What research did you do to write this book?

Since THIN AIR takes place almost entirely on an airplane, my biggest area of research was for the setting. I’ve flown several times on commercial airplanes, but never on a private jet, so I had a lot of fun researching these types of planes and the options for interior fittings. It’s amazing how luxurious some of them are! I also ran across questions as I was writing the first draft. For example, what kind of emergency lighting would there be when the lights go out? What altitude would the plane fly at? How would the pilots access the flight deck? Then there were some other, non-setting related questions, like how to use an Epipen and other things I needed to research related to the plot. It’s probably best if no one else sees my Google Search history, ha ha!

YABC: When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

The “reading” switch flipped for me in second grade when I discovered Nancy Drew books, and not long after I began writing my own stories. My dad and I would play story games, where we’d each take turns telling part of a story and picking up where the other left off. But as much as I enjoyed creating stories, I never thought about trying to get published until decades later. Instead, I earned a degree in biology and worked as a researcher in a lab until my kids were born. When I chose to stay home with them, writing became my creative outlet, and I ended up writing my first full-length manuscript. Once I knew I could write something that long (and enjoy it!), I decided it was time to get serious about pursuing writing as a career.

YABC:  What word do you have trouble overusing?

Just. I just love the word just, and it just makes its way into so many of my sentences. Once someone kindly pointed out this fact to me, and that “just” just isn’t necessary except on rare occasions, I’ve pruned it and many other useless words to tighten my prose. Now I fall into overusing certain physical reactions instead. In my first drafts, my characters suffer endless stomachaches from all the twisting and clenching of their guts and are on the constant verge of heart attacks from pounding and racing heartbeats. Thank goodness for critique partners and editors!

YABC:   What is your favorite writing space?

For years, I homeschooled my older kids, and we created a “school room” with their desks, a desk for me, and a piano. Now they’re attending middle and high school, so they don’t use their desks much anymore, but my desk is still my favorite place to work. I keep my notebooks and craft books close by for easy reference. A strand of white twinkle lights and a soft blanket make the space cozy. All I need is my steaming mug of tea and my laptop, and I’m good to go.

YABC: What hobbies do you enjoy?

Winters are long in Michigan, so I enjoy reading and doing jigsaw puzzles when it’s cold. I’d love to learn how to quilt but haven’t made time for a new hobby yet. During warmer weather, you’ll find me outside gardening, hiking, and camping. I also love attending my kids’ various activities, whether it’s a swim meet, a robotics tournament, or an orchestra performance.

YABC:  What fandom would you write for if you had time?

My teen sons are going to make fun of me for saying this, but I would jump right into Star Wars fanfic to “fix” Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker and give Kylo Ren and Rey the ending we closet Reylo shippers were all secretly hoping for but didn’t get. (No, I’m not bitter…LOL)

YABC: What is your favorite holiday or tradition and why?

Even though it’s become so commercial and can be stressful, Christmas is still my favorite holiday. We have short days and long nights here in December, and the days tend to be dark and cloudy, so all the twinkling lights and Christmas trees in houses and store displays help fight off the gloom. They’re also a beautiful reminder of God’s love sent into the darkness of the world through Jesus’ birth. The festive atmosphere and music, the decorations, and the extra time with family make this time of year special for me.

YABC:   What’s up next for you?

I can’t say much at this point, but I’m currently working on another YA thriller. This one also has a unique setting, but instead of being a locked-door type mystery, it has some speculative and survival elements. I’m having a lot of fun with it!





Author: Kellie M. Parker

Release Date: October 17, 2023

Publisher: Razorbill

ISBN-10: 0593526002

ISBN-13: 9780593526002

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Age Range: 12 and up




*Giveaway Details*

Three (3) winners will receive a hardcover copy of Thin Air (Kellie M. Parker) ~ US Only


*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway!*


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9 thoughts on “Author Chat with Kellie M. Parker (THIN AIR), Plus Giveaway! ~ US ONLY”

  1. Hailey says:

    The concept of doing a locked-room mystery on a plane is such a neat idea!

  2. astromgren says:

    What an interesting concept and the cover is great!

  3. ldittmer says:

    This book sounds suspenseful!

  4. I’m dying to read this book!

  5. I can’t resist a competition book

  6. The cover is cool. The synopsis is intriguing. Sounds like an exciting read.

  7. madeleine says:

    The cover art is amazing!

  8. I like the cover and thrillers/mysteries are my favorite genre.

  9. Calista says:

    Sounds like an awesome book!!

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