Author Chat with Tara Sim (WE SHALL BE MONSTERS), Plus Giveaway~ US ONLY!

Today we are very excited to share an interview with author Tara Sim!

Read on to learn more about the author, the book, and a giveaway!




Meet the Author: Tara Slim

Tara Sim is the author of The Dark Gods trilogy, the Scavenge the Stars duology, and the Timekeeper trilogy. She can typically be found wandering the wilds of the Bay Area, California. When she’s not chasing cats or lurking in bookstores, she writes books about magic, murder, and mayhem.

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About the Book: We Shall Be Monsters

Frankenstein meets Indian mythology in this twisty, darkly atmospheric fantasy where the real horrors are not the monsters you face, but the ones you create.

“One of the most unique and intelligent books I’ve read. . . Alluring, completely enthralling, and masterfully rendered.” —Axie Oh, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea

Kajal knows she is not a good person. If she were, she wouldn’t selfishly be risking her sister’s soul in a dangerous bid to bring her back to life. She would let Lasya rest in peace—but Kajal cannot stand the horror of living without her.

As Kajal prepares for the resurrection, the worst happens: Her sister’s soul warps into a bhuta—a murderous, wraith-like spirit—and Kajal gets sentenced to death for her sister’s rampage. There seems little hope of escape until two strangers offer to free her. The catch: She must resurrect the kingdom’s fallen crown prince to aid a growing rebellion against a tyrannical usurper. Desperate, Kajal rushes to complete her end of the deal . . . only to discover that the boy she’s resurrected, Tav, is not the crown prince.

Now Kajal—prickly, proud, admirer of the scientific method—must team up with Tav—stubborn, reticent, and fonder of swords than of books—to find the real crown prince. With only a scalpel and her undead dog, Kutaa, at her side, Kajal must work fast before her mistake is exposed or Lasya’s bhuta turns its murderous fury on the person truly responsible for her death: Kajal herself.

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~Author Chat~


YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book? 

Back in 2016, fellow author Dhonielle Clayton (The Belles) told me that she wanted to see my take on Frankenstein, but make it Indian. I’ve always loved Frankenstein, so I immediately knew this was something I wanted to make happen. But it would take a few years for me to gradually develop the idea and setting and plot, which led me down the rabbit hole of Indian mythology. The two themes of horror and mythology married perfectly together, and now here we are.


YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book? 

I always feel bad picking favorites! In this book, my favorite character to write is actually kind of a spoiler, so I’ll defer to my main character, Kajal. She’s everything I love in a heroine: prickly, smart, determined, flawed. She thinks in a scientific way, which leads to a lot of humorous observations. Kajal also isn’t afraid to tell people off, even if it lands her in trouble, which is a bit of wish fulfillment on my part. 

Honorary mention goes to Kutaa, her undead dog companion, which I based on my own dear German Shepherd from childhood.


YABC: What research did you do to write this book? 

I did a bunch of research on Indian mythology, as I wanted to make sure I was honoring the classic stories without overstepping, since many people revere these stories today. And although many of them are stories I myself have known since childhood, there was still a lot of detail and tradition to consider when incorporating them into the book. Also, Kajal studies Ayurveda, an ancient medical practice from India, which led to researching a bunch of plants, procedures, and theories.


YABC: What type of scene do you love to write the most? 

Anything that has a lot of angst! Big, shocking betrayals or revelations are my jam, as well as dramatic plot twists that turn the story on their head. Also scenes that are full of yearning. I love epic fight scenes as well, although those are more of a pain because it requires a lot of coordination.


YABC: What hobbies do you enjoy?

I’ve always loved playing video games. I find that they’re a great way to kick back and rewire my brain, especially when I need to refill the creative well outside of books. Baking is also fun—mostly so that I can enjoy the finished product—and while I hesitate to call it a hobby, I’m also into anime and manga. Does bothering my cat count as a hobby?


YABC: What other age group would you consider writing for?

Beyond my adult and YA books, I would love to tackle a middle grade fantasy series! I love how whimsical and dark they can get, and how humor can be used to such great effect.


YABC: How do you plan to celebrate the launch of your book?

Wine and cake, always.

I’m having a launch party with fellow author Katy Rose Pool (Garden of the Cursed) on June 25, 2024 at Books, Inc. Laurel Village in San Francisco, which kicks off our Monsters & Masquerades Tour! Be sure to check our social media for tour stops/dates, which all have a different theme. I’ll have exclusive prints for those who attend.


YABC:   What’s up next for you? 

The last book of my Dark Gods series is being written right now, so keep an eye out for that in the future. Then I’ll be working on the sequel to We Shall Be Monsters, which will draw readers into a dark and bewitching world that I can’t wait to explore.





Author: Tara Sim

Release Date: June 25, 2024

Publisher:  Nancy Paulsen Books

ISBN-10: 0593407423

ISBN-13: 9780593407424

Genre: YA Fantasy

Age Range: 12 and up




~ Giveaway Details ~


Three (3) winners will receive a copy of We Shall Be Monsters (Tara Sim) ~US Only!


*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway*


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