Review Detail

Grossly informational
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
Backpack Explorer: Bug Hunt is another great adventure/explorer book in the Backpack Explorer set.

Bug Hunt is perfect for backyard expeditions or nature hikes at a local park, as it has loads of information on creatures typically found around the home.
Perfect for ages 3 and up, children will learn the difference between insects, bugs, spiders and more!

Encouraging children to get outside and get moving, there are interactive sections of the guide such as 'Build a Nature Bug, ' pretending to be an insect, and making a bug hotel to make learning fun.
Like others in the series, this book does come with a small child sized magnifying glass for an up close look at insects, however it is flimsy and makes most things blurry unless you're up close... and I'd rather not get too close to bugs!

Photographs mixed with illustrations make up each spread in Bug Hunt, providing detailed imagery for children to classify what they are examining.

Bug Hunt also includes a create-your-own bug log, as well as 50 stickers for even more fun!
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