Beginner’s Guide to Creating Genuine Characters

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Release Date
September 15, 2024
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Creating a fictional character that gabs the reader's attention is a difficult task
The Beginner's Guide to Creating Genuine Characters makes the task much easier.
Filled with information and examples from books and movies, this Beginner's Guide is targeted to writers who are just starting to write their first story.

A story, whether it be a short story, a novel or a screenplay, is about the characters and their journey from the beginning of the story to the climax.
Inexperienced fiction writers struggle with character development. To overcome their inexperience, they need guidance and examples and that is what this book is about: showing writers how to develop their characters. The ebook uses artificial intelligence to generate reports on what makes a character 'great.' It also uses AI to generate what makes specific characters from literature and movies 'great.'
The combination of AI reports and an in-depth template filled with examples makes this book just what every new fiction writer needs.
Topics covered in the book include:

  • Introduction: Great character reports.
  • Physical description. Allow the reader to build a mental image of the character.
  • Biography: The character's background and how the character thinks and what she wants out of life.
  • Mental attributes: For both protagonist, antagonist and other main characters.
  • Character arc: A necessary story within the story.
  • Dominant reader emotion: How the character relates to the readers.
  • Flaws: Make the character human.
  • Motivation: Why does the character care about solving the plot problem?
All of these topics contain research reports on its importance and what is needed to make your character genuine and great.

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