Beginner's Guide To Developing A Plot (Beginner's Guides Book 2)

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Release Date
October 15, 2024
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Creating a story is a complicated undertaking. In it, the writer has to ensure that various elements such as the characters, plots, scenes, dialog and others all mesh together and support each other.
The plot is important because the plot problem gives the characters a job: they have to fix or solve the problem. Unless they are the bad guys in which case their job is to prevent the problem from getting fixed.
However, the plot is one of the most difficult story elements to develop. Beginning writers are often frustrated by the complexity of merging plot events to form a chain of events that lead the reader from the inciting incident to the story’s climax.
I have seen beginners struggle with this issue during my fiction writing workshops. I came to realize these writers need more than just a lecture and a template to fill out. They need more guidance and examples. That is what my Beginner’s Guide To Developing A Plot provides: guidance and examples.

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