Review Detail

Ireland, the Melting Pot
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
I found this to be a well-researched and fascinating read, presented in an educational and approachable manner befitting of its target upper YA audience.

While visiting Ireland, I realized for the first time that it, like my native United States, is a land of immigrants; I could just as easily order kabobs as bangers and mash! Though, the books on Irish history, myth, and fictional tales only presented me with the stereotypical pale-skinned, red-haired, and feisty tempered Irish. This a wonderful example of the melting pot that Ireland truly is and includes historical and modern figures from pop culture, science, and business.

I have read negative feedback that the majority of entries represent only those of Nigerian heritage. Being neither Irish nor black I do not feel qualified to speak to this narrative, but felt I would be remiss to not mention it. I will say that it is a step in the right direction and I hope that both its 2024 nomination for a British Book Award and its US release will prove there is a high-level interest in reading these stories.

Overall, I appreciate and encourage the new voice and will recommend it to fellow librarians and readers.
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