Bless the Earth: A Collection of Poetry for Children to Celebrate and Care for Our World

Bless the Earth: A Collection of Poetry for Children to Celebrate and Care for Our World
Age Range
Release Date
April 02, 2024
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A beautifully illustrated collection of poems and prayers to help children develop an appreciation for the natural world

Bless the Earth, our faithful friend,
her mountain range and river bend,
her forest green and canopy,
the hidden world of bended trees.

Bless the Earth shows the miracle of our planet Earth through beautiful imagery and delightful poetry, calling all people, young and old, to care for our wonderful world. This sweet and welcoming anthology for children ages 3-7 knits together our common humanity and the natural world in an engaging way that is simple for young readers to understand.

Bless the Earth contains approximately sixty selections of original as well as classic poems, divided into five chapters 

Bless the Earth calls us again and again to understand how important it is to care for our world, respect our neighbors—humans, plants, and animals alike—and reimagine a world that is healthy and whole.

Editor review

1 review
Celebration of Earth
(Updated: May 10, 2024)
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
BLESS THE EARTH is a collection of poems that celebrate Earth with all its beauty and wonder. Each poem is thought-provoking in it's own way and the hidden meanings are simple enough to engage children. It addresses both nature appreciation and environmental issues and is a great way to expand on discussions. The illustrations are adorable yet stunning with their intricate attention to detail. I think my favorite one is toward the back and is titled "Question" because it hits home with the singing of birds. What will replace them?

In the editor's note in the beginning, we learn that these poems were brought together so both parents and children can learn to cherish the world around them. So often our faces are stuck in a phone or tablet and sometimes we miss out on the magnificence around us. This collection reminds you of what's out there waiting for you to discover.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children who enjoy nature and poetry. To me, this is the perfect spring and Easter gift because that's when the flowers are starting to bloom.
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