Review Detail

5.0 12
Young Adult Indie 384
YA, but it's for everyone!
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Lexi Hamilton is a sinner. She has been branded with her sin around her neck and has been taken to the Hole. Her sin is visible for all to see and there are many that want her because of it. She’s young, she’s beautiful and she has been found guilty of Lust. Cole is her guard inside the Hole. He has been assigned to keep her alive and protect her from harm. He does not know why this is his assignment, but he will fulfill it as he has his others. But, there is something different about this one. Something that makes him question what is happening in the Hole and with the world today.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. To say that I was on pins and needles to read this book would be a total understatement. I read the first chapter that had been posted and I was hooked! I wanted to read more. When I finally got the chance, I was not disappointed! This story is so good and so well written. It hooks you in and doesn’t let go until the end. I would be reading and I would feel the build up coming and I couldn’t stop reading. It was intense, emotional and completely fantastic. The story was rich, vivid and completely original. I truly loved Lexi and Cole’s relationship and found that it was an exciting, nail biting roller coaster of emotion. And Cole’s dog Zeus is the BEST! I love stories with dogs in them, especially when they are given character and are part of the story.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen in this story as I kept reading it and I was getting closer to the end and the big climax hadn’t come. I was nervous that Abi & Missy were going to leave me with a cliffhanger, but they didn’t. They were able to complete the story and leave the ending open for the next book. I love that! I prefer that kind of writing to the cliffhanger. I understand why authors do it, but I am not a patient person so it usually just pisses me off! But, Abi & Missy, THANK YOU for finishing the story and for NOT making me wait to find out what happens. However, I still have to wait because I have to wait for the next book. Oh well. Dammit.

To summarize, there are only 3 words for you to remember – READ THIS BOOK! I will definitely be reading this book again. That’s not something to be taken lightly either because those of you that know me, know I don’t read very many books a second time. I can count on 1 hand the number of books that I have read more than once. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if this story became the next big thing, aka Hunger Games, Divergent, etc. I really am very excited about this book and will be waiting (im)patiently for the next one. I have just added 2 more authors to my “Stalking” list. :)
Good Points
+Sucks you in
+Keeps you on the edge of your seat
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