Are you guys as stoked as I am to see the cover for KINSLAYER, the sequel to STORMDANCER?!
And what about that title? I love them both so hard. We’re also letting you see the UK cover. Tell us which one you like best in the comments!
The UK Cover:
The US cover:
About the book:
1. Who did Yukiko kill at the end of STORMDANCER? (Well, yes, she killed a few people, but you know who we mean. The big one.)
Yes!!! 😮
I love the US version! It’s so dynamic! Yukiko looks amazing, not to mention the awesome Buruu in the background. So epic.
pfffffft the winner is hands down the US cover. Look at how beautiful it is! The UK cover is good but just not as cohesive!
I love both covers. The US one is absolutely amazing but I love the UK one, it matches my Stormdancer.
US cover is so fracktastically amazing…shudders…uses AED…please, I beseech you, I must have a copy of this book to review!!!
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I just cannot wait to read Kinslayer. Stormdancer blew me away.
I love the little icons on the UK cover, but think the overall feel of the US one is in a way better style. Can’t wait!
Wow, the US cover is amaaaziiing!
I like the US cover. The color and intensity are amazing. The UK is also nice, but lacks the power of the other.