Review Detail

4.7 6
Young Adult Fiction 429
Original Twist on the Grim Reaper
(Updated: November 07, 2012)
Overall rating
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One great thing about being a Cybil's panelist has to be discovering some great books. CROAK is one such book.

Right off the bat, I loved the voice of this wicked, funny paranormal. Lex is a teen Grim Reaper with mega 'tude. She's filled with anger but doesn't know why. Only one thing is certain--she doesn't tolerant anything or anybody. Not a great combination.

The author does a great job of showing us Lex's world. When she's sent to her Uncle Mort's, after yet another issue at school, that's where all the excitement begins. Seems Uncle Mort is like a mentor to Reapers. He wants to teach Lex the family business. For once, Lex is speechless.

I totally loved this world. The town of Croak is like an in between world. The other characters also add their own quirkness to this highly engaging story.

Very unique and original descriptions of what happens to a soul once it dies. We even get a glimpse of the After Life. Who knew that elixir is in the drink of choice for Reapers? Also I liked getting a peek at what some dead famous characters might be doing in the After Life. Edgar Allan Poe is hilarious. So are a range of other famous personalities.

The dialogue is hilarious. I was laughing throughout this story. Also the romance felt authentic in it's descriptions. It didn't feel forced or out of character.

The climax takes a wicked twist, darker than the rest of the story. I was surprised on who was behind the mystery involved in Croak.

I highly recommend this story to those who want a more unique telling that involves the paranormal world with a character that's not over the top snarly.

Good Points
1. Love the voice
2. Hilarious take on the grim reaper
3. Original/unique world building
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