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4.1 14
Young Adult Fiction 500
Does being special make you crazy?
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Reader reviewed by The Book Girl

Chloe is not crazy. Just because she can see ghosts and, yes, sometimes raise them from the dead, doesnt mean she belongs in the nut house. But that's not the way society sees it. They say Chloe is schizophrenic and put her Lyle House, a group home for troubled teens. But it just so happens Chloe's not the only 'special' kid there, and Lyle House has some ghosts of it's own. Is it a coincidence, or is there something the kids don't know?

This book was amazing from the first page to the last. I love how the very first sentance grabs your attention. The story is very fast paced and there is never a dull moment. It is told from the perspective of a 15 year old girl who has always been able to see ghosts but never really realized what was happening. When she's sent to a group home for troubled teens she meets new friends who also have special powers. It's really cool how it all unfolds and leads up to a very climatic ending. Sadly, this is a series and Kelley doesnt let you forget it. After reading the last page there is no way you won't be first in line to buy the second book, The Awakening. But even with the major cliffhanger you won't be disapointed with this book in the least.
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