Different Kinds of Minds: A Guide to Your Brain

Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
November 28, 2023
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Albert Einstein. Steve Jobs. Elon Musk. Katharine Johnson. These geniuses are all visual thinkers. Are you?

Do you like puzzles, coding, and taking things apart? Do you write stories, act in plays, slay at Wordle? The things you are good at are clues to how your brain works. Are you good at math? Working with your hands? Are you a neat freak or a big mess?

With her knack for making science easy to understand, Temple Grandin explains different types of thinkers: verbal thinkers who are good with language, and visual thinkers who think in pictures and patterns. You will discover all kinds of minds and how we need to work together to create solutions to help solve real-world problems.

Editor review

1 review
A Picture-Perfect Explanation and Encouragement of Neurodivergence
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
Temple Grandin is an inspiration to all readers, not just the neurodivergent, and this book is no exception.

Designed to be a source of encouragement, with FACTS to back it up, to the neurodivergent child, it should also serve as encouragement for adults and as a resource for teachers and parents.

Our world is made up of all types of learners and thinkers, but only set up for the success of a few. Where do the visual thinkers fit? The non-verbal? The "disorganized"? Grandin and Koffsky show us how to be successful by examining what we are good at and how to maximize those things. She shows us other successful neurodivergent people, in addition to herself, Elon Musk, Albert Einstein, Katharine Johnson, and others.

This is one of those books that build understanding of oneself and empathy for others. Though it gets a little long--it could have wrapped up at the half-way point--it is still a must-read that I recommend for all readers of all ages.
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