Review Detail

Early Learning About Animal Behavior
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
With all of the animals in the world, each is unique in their own way and that includes their eating habits. Along with information about what they eat, we get a couple of facts to expand a child's knowledge, like where these animals live. The animals the author showcases are elephants, hummingbirds, pelicans, bears, platypuses, penguins, fleas, chimpanzees, moose, and frogs.

DO FISH GO FISHING?: HOW ANIMALS EAT is a great introduction to animals and nature for younger readers. The illustrations are cute and cartoon-y, but I did feel like the text was a bit cluttered with the images. The speech bubbles and pictures add a bit of humor to the book which brought a smile to my daughter's face. I do like how the author incorporated animals that you don't hear much about like platypuses and moose.

Final Verdict: Overall, this is a great introduction to animals and their habits for children aged three and up. The illustrations are appropriate and geared toward a younger audience to entertain and engage them.
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