Review Detail

4.0 4
Young Adult Fiction 157
Imagitive, Creative, and Complex
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Well, let me think for a bit about what to say... ok back to reviewing. I had heard of this book a while back and I thought it sounded very good. So, when one of my friends told me she had it, I was squealing with happiness and joy. I loved the cover of it, the plot sounded very adventurous, and it just appealed to my tastes. I started reading the book and was immediately drawn into the fast-paced beginning. They start it out with their practices for the Dragoneye apprentices. She introduces all the characters along the way very well and all the moves in fighting precisely. She also tells the story of Eon or rather Eona. So, just to tell all you who may or may not be reading this, that I loved the beginning. But, towards the 200 pages the story was falling a bit flat for me. Probably the main thing that kept me reading was to see what happens when everyone finds out she's a girl. And trust me I was not disappointed about that part of the story! Also it started improving again around the last 100 pages and it was exciting again. Just because I didn't like the middle-ish of the story, I think I will rate this a four star otherwise I would have rated it a 5 stars. I recommend this book to fantasy lovers. So, I do not suggest NOT reading this book but rather reading it because of her great descriptive and imaginative story!
Good Points
Great character depth. Very creative.
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