Fables of Laknohl: The King and the Shadow Lord

Fables of Laknohl: The King and the Shadow Lord
Publisher Name
Independently Published
Age Range
Release Date
August 18, 2024
Unbeknownst to a young teen from rural Kentucky, a war is brewing in another world between the King and the Shadow Lord.
For Liam, it all starts with a fight at school. After jumping from house to house, he’s finally feeling settled in a steady home. Only wishing to keep the good morning going, the day is suddenly interrupted by a school bully who just won’t allow it. Consequences of the fight scare Liam into running away and he is swept away into another world. Laknohl.

After a rough arrival in the new world where Liam has been kidnapped, he learns the King is searching for him, desiring his assistance with a critical task—to stop an ancient evil threatening to return to the peaceful kingdom. Liam does not trust the King or his captors. Still, he must choose to help them or run away, his usual course of action. One wrong decision could have dire consequences. Not only for him but the entire Kingdom of Laknohl.

Despite his misgivings, there is a warmth in Laknohl Liam has not felt before. Will Laknohl draw Liam in, or will the creeping darkness in this new world keep him on a path he’s always known? While Liam begins to see his place in the world, getting back “home” also never sounded so good.

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