Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 267
Overall, worth a read, has a very different concept.
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Source: St. Martin's via netgalley
Disclaimer: I received this book as an ARC (advanced review copy). I am not paid for this review, and my opinions in this review are mine, and are not effected by the book being free.

I wanted to read Firsts because it was an interesting premise. I haven't read anything quite like it, but wanted to find out her motivation and see what kind of person she is. Mercedes from the synopsis has a best friend, and there is the possibility of seeing some major tension and chemistry. \

Mercedes/Mercy is pretty easy to like, even if I could never do what she does. She convinces herself that she really is helping these guys, that her feelings don't play into it, and she isn't doing anything wrong. But I know that from her thoughts, and from the way she dresses trying to get her mom's attention, and mentioning several guys coming over, that even if she convinces herself she doesn't care about her mom's opinion or doesn't need her affection, that a lot comes back to that.

She sets numbers of guys who she takes their virginity and gives them tips and advice on how to make their girlfriend's first time a good experience. But every line and number she sets, she keeps getting asked to help and she finds herself agreeing. And she starts breaking her own rules, both with the guys she's helping and her chem partner Zach.

When she is threatened and her secrets start to come out, she has to face a lot of hard choices, and she has to see who is really by her side. Her full story comes out little by little, and consequences catch up with her. The ending wrapped things up well and I enjoyed the character growth and the eventual romance.

Bottom Line: Overall, worth a read, has a very different concept.
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