Review Detail

5.0 6
Young Adult Indie 1956
New female heroes for my daughter to look up to
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
My daughter loves to read, and I keep my eyes open for new books for her. However, many of the choices these days have sexual content/vulgar language/woke nonsense, so I screen books before presenting them to her. I loved this one, and hope she does too. It calls the reader to want to dream big, volunteer for worthy causes, surround yourself with good role models who are living their dreams, and get back up every time life, (or a horse) knocks you down.
Good Points
- Clean, doesn't have any woke nonsense or anything that made me cringe
- Clear message that dreaming big is important and must be coupled with determined, hard work
- Fascinating introduction into an exciting part of WW II history - the WASP program
- Wonderful dialogue throughout which keeps the story flowing
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