From What I Remember

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Great book!
(Updated: December 19, 2012)
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At first I was a bit annoyed with the author for switching POVs so much. 3 is pretty much my limit for the POV switching, but this one had FIVE POVs!!! Five!! But it was an amazing book all the same, and I adored it. It didn't matter that there were so many POVs, and lots of clichéd moments, this book was a really really fun read but with lots of deep moments as well that just finished it off.

Kylie is a goody-two shoes. She follows the rules, even when there aren't any. She is kind of a social outcast, with her only real friend being Will, a gay guy who is into movies, like her.One day before the end of school, her laptop gets stolen, and she runs after it, accompanied by the completely hot yet infuriating Max. Unfortunately, they get stuck in the truck, and taken to Mexico. Stranded in Mexico, Kylie has got to get home, but they have no passports. So they call in Will, to pick them up. With a day to kill, they get to know each other better and Kylie discovers that Max isn't as bad as she though he'd be. Problem is he's already got a girlfriend...

I loved the characters. Kylie and Max were not without their flaws and problems, but they were very fun and interesting. They were on complete opposite sides of the social and personality spectrum, and had absolutely no interest in each other, but then they get to know each other better, and I think we can all guess what happens here.

The supportive characters were really great as well, there was so much depth to them, and since we got to view the world in their perspective, I don't think we can really call them supportive characters any more. They were never left on the side, and they each had their own moments in the story. Will was really fun and really cared about Kylie. Jake had Asperger's Syndrome, and so he had a completely different view of the world, and even though Lily was a complete bitch, being in her head was great as well.

The romance was perfectly thought out as well. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to write a great romantic buildup in the space of two days, but Kramer managed it very well. I loved how Kylie and Max's relationship built up and didn't just suddenly be there. Their romance was very cute and the chemistry between them was really great.

This book had it all, intriguing plot, fun characters, and I loved it. I definitely recommend it.
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Loved it!
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When I started reading this book, I didn't like it. I found it boring and hated how the author kept switching between the different points-of-view, but I kept reading it. Before I knew it, I was halfway through the book and couldn't wait to find out what happened next. I ended up reading the entire book in one sitting, which rarely, if ever, happens with me anymore.
Top 100 Reviewer
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Almost Love?
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I kind of loved this book? I think?

Let's talk about our characters. I was really worried that so many points of view would make the story disjointed or weird, but it didn't really. Yes the story would've been perfectly fine with just Kylie and Max's perspective, but I liked hearing from Will and even Lily was interesting to read about. I really loved Kylie and Will and Max definitely grew on me. I understood Lily, but I still didn't particularly like her. I don't think we were supposed to. All four of these characters grew a lot from their experiences in the book and I loved seeing that.

The story itself had a lot of layers. Every single character had personal issues going on and the this happened to add to it. Their personal issues affected how each one of them acted and decided on things. Everything was necessary and tight and they were all interesting. Two of them were pretty different from the norm, one was kind of different, and one was fairly common but important. I really liked all the stories and it affected the main story. Nothing was simple, but nothing was unimportant either.

One aspect that would usually bother me is that Max technically cheated with Kylie. And to some extent, it did. But it also bothered Max and Kylie a lot. They weren't being totally thoughtless and when they were, it was usually because there was a lot of alcohol involved. I'm not saying that makes it right, but it didn't seem as horrible as it would've if they didn't feel bad and they weren't drinking. This also added to Lily's character. It gave me some more sympathy for her.

This story was also really well written. Each narrator had their own style so they weren't easy to mix up. They were subtle differences, but they were definitely there. And I was engaged from beginning to end. I didn't want to put it down whenever I was forced to for silly reasons like sleep.

But honestly guys, I really, really enjoyed this book. Maybe I loved it? It might be too soon to tell. I do know that this is a book I want to buy for my shelves and it's one you should all read.
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