Review Detail
The book is divided into 4 main sections. Parts One and Two take up a majority of the actually training for parent, focusing on providing moral training and teaching in the home. While Part One provides insight on subjects such as The Limits of Science or Life of Scripture, Part Two provides guidelines for implementing teaching into daily life, a process the author entitles home churching.
On the other hand, Parts Three and Four acts as more of a reference section for parents. Part Three is composed of scripts to use to teach children about God, humility, saying no to drugs, community service, and more. Part Four offers a list of resources for parents to use as they go about teaching in their homes.
It is obvious that the author has done his research, mostly indicated by the statistics that are prevalent throughout the body of the book. However, he still tends to come across not as an expert in his subject, but rather an intellectual trying to pass on his own opinions on teaching in the home. However, the book does offer a wide variety of suggestions and methods for teaching that could easily be applied. A great resource for getting started, but I would recommend that parents also develop their own methods for teaching their children.
Recommended for any parent or parent-to-be that is interested in learning new methods of teaching their children.