Review Detail

4.7 3
Young Adult Fiction 926
Amazingly awesome
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Words cannot describe this book, but I will have to try, won't I?

I loved all these books, every single part of them all. I thought the unravelling of Deryn's big secret was written really well. I was sending mental messages to Alek in the last two books, saying 'How could you not see? How stupid can you really be?' And when he read the newspaper and spoke to Deryn using her real name was really clever, it is the perfect way to see through someone' disguise and to figure out the truth.

I thought Bovril was really funny, He kept hinting at Deryn's real person, with his Mr Sharp, things he says over and over again. It was kinda obvious when he kept saying that, and they must of all been really stupid not to see it sooner.

I thought that the ending was tied up really well. Beautiful. Not clumsy, not weirdly, simply perfect.

This book was a great conclusion to this epic steampunk trilogy. I reckon everyone on the globe should so read this if they want to experience this excellence.
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