How to Get Over Your (Best Friend's) Ex

How to Get Over Your (Best Friend's) Ex
Publisher Name
CamCat Books
Age Range
Release Date
June 11, 2024
Falling in love isn’t complicated . . . unless it’s with your best friend’s ex.
Hannah Taylor has lived in her best friend Braelyn’s shadow all through high school. But when she meets Seth, the handsome and charming newcomer, she wonders if, for once, she might finally be in the spotlight. Until Braelyn and Seth meet, and Brae sweeps his attention away as only she can. Hannah is left to watch the first boy she’s ever truly liked date not only someone else, but her best friend.

When Seth unexpectedly breaks up with Brae months later, Hannah vows to help her friend get over the breakup while secretly trying to move on from Seth once and for all. Because even though Seth is no longer dating Brae, you never, ever date your best friend’s ex. But getting over Seth is easier said than done when Hannah learns that she was the reason for the breakup, and Seth may like her back.

Editor review

1 review
YA Something Borrowed
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HOW TO GET OVER YOUR (BEST FRIEND’S) EX by Kristi McManus is a cute rom-com in which Hannah makes it her mission to stop crushing on Seth. She already liked him a lot before her best friend, Brae, swooped in and asked him out, and because Hannah wasn’t honest about her feelings, she had to watch as her friend lived out her romantic fantasy. The truth is, though, that Brae and Seth were never a great fit for one another, and when he finally realizes that and dumps Brae, Hannah tries to secretly get over him alongside her best friend. Doing that, though, proves to be more difficult than she could have imagined, and now that he’s single again, she’s even more torn as girl code deems him completely off-limits.

This book has such a sweet story and is as much about Hannah’s relationship with Brae as it is with Seth. I love how the book examines the complexities of friendships and the rules we set around them, as well as the rules we set for ourselves. The takeaway message of this book is to be true to yourself because not doing so can put you in a messy place, which is exactly where Hannah finds herself. It also takes the idea of a guy coming between two friends and twists it, making it a unique and surprising narrative.

McManus populates her story with very different people, who want different things. Sometimes I found it hard to imagine them all as being friends, but overall, they are a fun group to follow. McManus does a good job at interweaving relationships, especially between Hannah and Seth. The chemistry flies off the page, and I really enjoyed his character and found him a refreshing addition to this genre.

Because this book flows so easily and is so fun, I’d highly recommend it for anyone who needs a beach read or something to bring on the plane with them for their summer travels. I read it in one sitting! Even though it’s been done before, I love how Romeo and Juliet are incorporated into this plot, as well as the theme of miscommunication Shakespeare is so well known for. Fans of SOMETHING BORROWED should like this!
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