Review Detail

Yiddish for Kids
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
“I Like Your Chutzpah: And Other Yiddish Words You’ll Like” by Suzy Ultman is a cute, to the point board book with words such as “punim,” “schmutz,” “schpiel,” “kvetch,” “schpilkes,” “meshugas,” and a handful more. The illustrations show off the meaning of the words in cute, childlike ways. The definition of each word is provided as well, allowing readers, both young and old, to understand exactly what is being stated and how it all makes sense.

Yiddish is a language that is over 1,000 years old, and the only way it can surely continue is to be passed from generation to generation. This book allows for that to happen, and is a handy, worthwhile addition to any young child’s library.
Good Points
Yiddish is a language that is over 1,000 years old, and the only way it can surely continue is to be passed from generation to generation. This book allows for that to happen, and is a handy, worthwhile addition to any young child’s library.
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