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5.0 1
Young Adult Indie 250
One of the best series EVER for any age!
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I believe that when an author writes a story that winds up weaving it’s way into your subconscious, your soul, that they have achieved a greatness that everyone deserves to know. Amy Bartol has done exactly that with this book and this series. I have read many, many books and there have been very few that have gotten their hooks into me as much as these. I eat, sleep, drink, breathe these books. I am not exaggerating. I would find myself going through withdrawals if I couldn’t read about Genevieve and Reed. I thought about the characters; I dreamed about them and I would wonder what they were going to do next. Sadly, I have finished reading the books and am anxiously awaiting the release of the 5th book, Iniquity (I hope I have fingernails left by then!).

Genevieve is heading to college. She’s leaving her uncle, the man who has raised her since her mother died and venturing off into life. Within the first few days of being at school, she meets Russell, a southern gentleman who Evie, as she’s called, takes an instant liking to. However, she also meets Reed; a devilishly handsome man who is hell bent on getting Evie to leave Crestwood College. She has no idea what his problem with her is, but she seems to have this odd attraction to him – she gets these little butterflies in her stomach whenever he is near. Soon, she finds herself intrigued with him and she can’t seem to stay away from him. She also likes Russell but it seems as th0ugh he is more of the friend type and not a love interest.

I am not going to give away the big secret in the book, although it would be much easier to write the review!! I just think that each reader should find it out on their own. If there are other people out there that want to give it away, then that is fine. To each his own! I didn’t want to tell my best friend the secret, but I figured it would benefit her as she would be more apt to read this series before some of the others on her list. This is NOT to say that it is better to know, it’s just that knowing her, it would be something that intrigued her so much that she would push it to the forefront of her list. When I was looking at some of the reviews on Amazon to see if any of them hinted at it, they did not. I did see that there were a lot of readers that had the same reaction that I did – they were instantly hooked on this series. So, if you don’t want to take my word for it, then maybe the 350 4+ star reviews will do it for you!
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