Into Dust – The Thunderbird Chronicles is a supernatural action/adventure set in West Texas. The story follows teenager Janey Santiago, who inherits her vigilante father’s mask and mysterious abilities and sets out to defeat the crime lords that killed him. Along the way she teams up with nineteen-year-old Augusto, her father's mysterious right-hand man - but can she trust him?
Book Description: When the bullet pierced her father’s heart and he crumpled to the floor of his convenience store, it changed Janey Santiago’s life forever. At first she wasn’t even sure if she was alive or dead as she watched a strange blue light shift from his body to hers. In his final moments he handed Janey his mask, confirming her suspicions that he was indeed the vigilante fighting the local cartels. Janey felt a surge of energy and knew it was her time to carry on her father’s work. With the guidance of Augusto - her father’s mysterious young right-hand man - and enigmatic parallels from her favorite comic book series, Janey must learn how to use her mysterious new abilities to fight back against the gangsters that killed her father and threaten to overtake her town.
This is the first in a supernatural action adventure series - The Thunderbird Chronicles.
Into Dust – The Thunderbird Chronicles is a supernatural action/adventure set in West Texas. The story follows teenager Janey Santiago, who inherits her vigilante father’s mask and mysterious abilities and sets out to defeat the crime lords that killed him. Along the way she teams up with nineteen-year-old Augusto, her father's mysterious right-hand man - but can she trust him?
Book Description: When the bullet pierced her father’s heart and he crumpled to the floor of his convenience store, it changed Janey Santiago’s life forever. At first she wasn’t even sure if she was alive or dead as she watched a strange blue light shift from his body to hers. In his final moments he handed Janey his mask, confirming her suspicions that he was indeed the vigilante fighting the local cartels. Janey felt a surge of energy and knew it was her time to carry on her father’s work. With the guidance of Augusto - her father’s mysterious young right-hand man - and enigmatic parallels from her favorite comic book series, Janey must learn how to use her mysterious new abilities to fight back against the gangsters that killed her father and threaten to overtake her town.
This is the first in a supernatural action adventure series - The Thunderbird Chronicles.