Reviews written by Olivia F
"The Diabolic" is a unique YA dystopian book. In this future, humans have advanced scientifically and technologically, traveling through space and colonizing other planets. Some humans, elevated to nobility, live in constructed shuttles/artificial planets in outer space. The humans living on planets are referred to as Excess and the nobility...
“Violet Grenade” is the unique story of Domino, a young runaway who lives in abandoned houses in Detroit with her friend (and crush) Dizzy. Domino spends a lot of time hiding herself from the world, covering in wigs and thick makeup- and also trying to stay away from Wilson. Domino...
"The Bone Witch" is a fascinating set of intertwined tales: the first in italics is told by a bard who has encountered the young bone witch (at about 17) after she has been exiled and the second is longer and the brunt of the story about this same bone witch's...
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