Reviews written by OpenedBooks
In the captivating pages of "The Monarchs of Winghaven" by Naila Moreira, we embark on an enchanting journey alongside a spirited young naturalist named Sammie. Sammie has always had a profound connection with nature. As she navigates the transformative adventures of childhood and friendship, she discovers the importance of being...
What an adventure "The Secret Library" by Kekla Magoon turned out to be! This novel dives deep into the past, shedding light on the enduring impacts of racism and segregation while maintaining a gripping, adventurous spirit throughout. The eclectic cast of characters and the unexpected family secrets kept me on...
In "The Seekers of the Fox," Kevin Sands delivers the second installment in his thrilling series with another gripping adventure. Determined to save Lachlan, Callan and his companions embark on a perilous journey, risking everything once again. This book features another exhilarating heist, but with trust misplaced, the outcome seems...
"Calvin and the Sugar Apples" by Inês Oliveira is a tender and poignant story that delves into the complexities of grief from the perspective of an 11-year-old girl named Amelia. The narrative centers around Amelia's struggle to cope with the death of her beloved chinchilla, Calvin. In her refusal to...
"Champions of the Fox," the thrilling conclusion to Kevin Sands' series, masterfully addresses and surpasses the expectations set by its predecessors. This final installment brings back everything that was missed in the second book, showcasing the unique qualities of each character and highlighting their teamwork and unbreakable friendships. ...
"The Adventures of the Flash Gang: Episode Two - Treasonous Tycoon" by S.J. Waugh and M.M. Downing continues the journey of Lewis and Pearl, whose friendship is put to the test in this emotionally charged installment. The duo faces a challenging choice between doubt and trust, a significant theme given...
"Otherworldly" by F.T. Lukens is a charming and cozy YA romance that will appeal to fans of supernatural stories with a twist. The story revolves around seventeen-year-old Ellery, a staunch non-believer in a world where the supernatural is widely accepted, and Knox, a familiar from the Other World, seeking refuge...
"Wicked Marigold" by Caroline Carlson is a delightful and thought-provoking story that challenges the simplistic notion of good versus evil. The central message of the book is clear: life isn't black and white, and it's up to each individual to define and live their true self beyond the labels others...
Blurb: Meet Whisper, Frannie, Sophie, Gemma, and Zuzu, five friends from Misery Falls, Oregon. The town is abuzz as the 100th anniversary of the electrocution of Misery Falls’ most infamous killer, Silas Hoke, approaches. When a mysterious text message leads the girls to the cemetery—where Silas Hoke is...
The House on Sunrise Lagoon holds a family full of love for each other. That said, living in a big family isn’t always easy. There are a lot of different characters that have to compete with each other for attention. But both moms do everything they can to do just...
This book is a perfect read for middle-graders; teaching important lessons about confidence, dealing with bullies and finding true friends. Social developmental stages are all hard in their own way. When we are toddlers we have to learn that the world doesn't...
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