Review Detail

5.0 2
Young Adult Indie 97
Karina in Wonderland
Overall rating
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Karina is that rare book that both instructs and delights. In this captivating young adult novel, the reader sees the world through the eyes of Karina Morgan, a highly-intelligent middle-schooler who feels like she's going through life unnoticed and unloved and hates the way she looks because of a facial scar she suffered as a toddler. As Karina slogs her way through a somewhat angst-ridden existence, something magical happens one day after school--she discovers a secret doorway to a magical world. At this point in the novel, the story takes on some aspects of Alice in Wonderland, but make no mistake, Karina carves out its own world, one filled with hope, love, forgiveness, and most of all--empowerment! The world can be such a heavy place and I loved the positive message that Eliza Mann spins in this heartfelt book. Karina is my favorite read so far in 2018. I highly recommend it.
Good Points
I loved the beautiful heart at the center of this story--it's truly empowering.

Karina is a story that is geared to inspire teenage girls, but its powerful message can lift up anyone who reads it.
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