Listening to the Quiet

Listening to the Quiet
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
September 05, 2023
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What does nothing sound like?
Jacki's mama has a rare condition. She is slowly losing her hearing. Together, they are learning Sign Language so that they'll always be able to tell each other everything. But as Mama's world becomes quieter, Jacki's remains full of sound, especially on Music Appreciation Fridays. How can Jacki enjoy listening to music when her mama can no longer hear it?

A heartfelt story, inspired by the author's childhood, about a young girl coming to terms with her mother's hearing loss and finding new ways to experience the world, together.

Editor review

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Family Love
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Jacki's mother is losing her hearing, so the two learn sign language together in order to keep communicating. Jacki even does a song at her school in sign language and it fills her heart with joy to see her mom cheering her on. Even though her mother can't hear her, Jacki loves her all the same and is excited to learn new things with her.

LISTENING TO THE QUIET is a heart-warming story about a mother and daughter who come together when the mom starts losing her hearing. It's based off the author's childhood and the author's note in the back of the book gives us a bit more insight about the situation. The illustrations are pastel watercolor with a softness to them that fits the theme. I love how their situation makes them stronger instead of bringing them down and how it makes their bond stronger.

Final Verdict: LISTENING TO THE QUIET addresses the disabilities of losing the ability to hear and it's about family support to build each other back up. I would recommend it to children aged four and older who may know somebody who is deaf or it's a great story in general to educate children about these conditions.
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