Luigi, the Spider Who Wanted to Be a Kitten

Luigi, the Spider Who Wanted to Be a Kitten
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
March 05, 2024
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 From the New York Times best-selling creators of Library Lion comes a warm (and delightfully fuzzy) storybook about learning to be—and be loved for—exactly who you are.

On a street of old houses, a big hairy spider is searching for a home with dark corners to hide in. But when he wakes up, he finds a hand reaching for him and a lady proclaiming that she has always wanted a kitten—and will name him Luigi! At first, a somewhat puzzled Luigi, used to being left alone to creep and dangle and spin webs, resists her kind advances. But soon, tasty breakfasts and getting tucked into bed (no one’s ever wished him good night before) have him thinking that kittens surely live magical lives. I will be a kitten! he decides. But how long can he keep up his facade, and what might be at stake in pretending to be someone you’re not? The award-winning duo behind Library Lion delivers another classic in the making, marked by humor and depth, endearing characters, and the assurance that the right people will accept and adore us, unconditionally, just as we are. 

Editor review

1 review
Sweet Story of Friendship
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The cover illustration is adorable and grabs your attention in Luigi, the Spider Who Wanted to Be a Kitten. Luigi ends up in an elderly woman’s house and enjoys her attention as she names him Luigi the kitten. He strays farther from spider habits and instincts to keep his new life and new friend. However, in the end, it is clear he is a spider, and Betty, the woman, is happy with that too and they become great friends. The illustrations are fun and joyful throughout the book. The message is a bit troubling in places where Luigi is not being himself to try to keep a friend. However, both become ready to be friends as a spider and human and it ends up being a sweet story with a happy ending.
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