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The book draws you in....
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Emily is 23 and excited about her life, close to finishing college, has a good part time job and doesn't know anything about everything that is going on in the supernatural world hidden from her own but will totally change her life. There's a super wicked twist in the end along the lines of BAM! Fate smacks her in the face. The characters seemed three dimensional and real, not rushed.
In one of the opening chapters I got a little confused about the members of the council of nine, the ruling body of this alternative universe that the Paragons work out of, there were a number of introductions made in rapid succession but I found that it didn't hurt the book overall. I like that the mystery behind why her original soul mates were killed runs as an added storyline throughout.
I really liked that the book is not predictable. I read a lot and if I see the plot right away it ruins the book for me and I don't bother to finish it. This is not like that. I got into it, and it's a real book. The 200+ pages flew by before I knew it. Intriguing plot and concept that captured me until the end and left me wanting more. Luckily there was a preview of the next book, Beacon, which I imagine the author put there to draw me into the next one. It did.
Good Points
Nice, well paced writing.
Unique characters that I've never seen before.
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Scintillating Paranormal Fantasy
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I enjoyed it. I had not experienced anything from this author before, but I liked the cover description about soul mates and finding the one person you're supposed to be with. It appealed to the romantic in me. I was surprised by this 'other world' where characters that I never knew existed went about the business of making sure people have soul mates. Nice notion. I guess it's like having a supernatural angel or something. I honestly never read anybody describe the soul this way before, like its a physical part of us that can hurt and be changed and has such an impact on who we are as human beings. That was mesmerizing. I don't want to give anything away but there is a nice story as well. I didn't see the ending coming, which I really loved.
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Great novel, awesome ending
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Great writing. I loved the overall tone, which made me feel like I was right in the heart of the story. Its a young adult paranormal romance with honest characters and a touch of mystery. It ends with a surprising twist that was awesome!!!
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Luminary is an entertaining book
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Being a dad, I'm not a typical reader of YA novels, but as a man with 3 teenage daughters, I like to know what they're mentally ingesting sorta speak. I think the storyline is clever, not your normal vampiry angst ridden characters. I don't know how prevalent these Paragons are in literature, but I enjoyed reading about their world. I think the characters are believable. It's not a bad concept, thinking that they're behind the scenes making sure that everyone has a soul mate. This stuff about what souls look like was rather inspiring, as I remember the awe that accompanied the birth of each of my daughters and the first moments I held them, how fragile they seemed. I think the writing is fast paced, I didn't get bored, which really surprised me considering the subject matter. As a parent I can enthusiastically recommend. It's rather refreshing. And since my girls are hooked on the series, I will be reading along too.
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Luminary is such a Gem!!
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I'm not much into giving five star ratings. I read many genres. I absolutely loved this book. It has such an incredibly fresh take on super immortals. I have not read any other story with a concept like this. The main characters are all very well developed to the point that I felt like I was in the story. They were interesting for their strengths and weaknesses. The solid purpose of the main characters, making sure magic is released when soul mates meet is so refreshing. While there's a hint of romance in this first book, I get the feeling that's supposed to develop organically. I like that Emily gets to meet her soul mate but I do hope that the series continues to let me as a reader have more than her point of view. Definitely makes it easier to understand everything that is going on. I loved Emily's banter and was glad that she could be vulnerable too. I hope that the next book is just as excellent. They often fall flat by either changing the main focus or characters too much or by not really moving the story along. This is the first book by P.S. Meraux that I have read. She writes well, kept me as a reader engaged and has an inventive imagination. Seeing as she has already released 5 more books, I hope that by the time I get finished with them we'll get the next one.
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Wanna know how soul mates are hooked up...
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I didn't want to put the book down. This author astonishes with her incredible gift for story telling. The writing draws you in and keeps you hooked. Everything about this confluence of worlds is unique and different, hooking on page one. This isn't your typical YA paranormal romance. For one thing, I've never heard of Paragons before. They're the sole creation of this author. And the writing is great and it enfolds other supernatural creatures into the story as well as humor.
Good Points
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6 results - showing 1 - 6