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Kathy MacMillan is a writer, American Sign Language interpreter, librarian, signing storyteller, and avowed Hufflepuff who lives near Baltimore, MD. Kathy is the founder of The Sweet Sixteens (www.thesweet16s.com) debut group and serves as co-Regional Advisor for the Maryland/Delaware/West Virginia Region of the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Her debut novel for young adults, Sword and Verse (HarperTeen), was a finalist for the Compton Crook Award, and its sequel, Dagger and Coin, will be published in November 2018. She has also published many books for educators, librarians, parents, and young children, including Little Hands and Big Hands: Children and Adults Signing Together (Huron Street Press) and Nita’s First Signs (Familius Press).

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