Memento Monstrum

Memento Monstrum
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Age Range
Release Date
October 05, 2021
biting memoir with an over the top package!

This is your warning!

This book contains Count Dracula’s memoirs. And as you would expect, there are plenty of hideous creatures in it—giant yetis, insidious werewolves, slimy fish monsters—maybe you shouldn’t read it!

You might learn things you didn’t know about monsters before. Hair-raising things that make these monsters appear . . .friendly . . .even downright human. So, take my advice. Put the book down and move on before you get caught in its clutches.

Sincerely, Van Helsing

PS-But if you do read this book, you will be enchanted by the incredibly imaginative full-color illustrations through out, the fabulously appealing cover, and the original wit captured within.

Editor review

1 review
Memory Lane with Grandpa Dracula
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I liked:
Take a stroll through memory lane with none other than Dracula himself! Read his tales about yetis, lake monsters, invisible men, werewolves, and the dreadful Van Helsing. This a great book to be told at bedtime with your children, as it is an all too common thing that they can relate to spending time with your grandparents. Grandparents are old, and it usually takes a bit to get along with them as they have no concept of what their grandchildren like or even how to talk to them. Memento Monstrum takes you on a fun two-day storytelling adventure with Dracula and his three grandchildren.
Final Verdict:
The stories are told in a tone that makes you want to sit back and relax as Grandpa tells about his friend, the yeti, who is a girl, his weird pet fish, and his brushes with death from the zombie van Helsing. Older kids might be intrigued to read stories about The Yeti and Dracula and van Helsing. The accompanying illustrations are wonderfully done, and this is sure to become a fast family favorite.
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