Review Detail

Kids Indie 148
For all of us who honor our own Momo-Las.
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Thank You to YABC and Lantana Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.
This is such a delightful book, honoring the relationship we have with our grandmothers and the value of story. It made me miss my grandmother and long for more of her stories.
A young girl enjoys her momo-la’s visit. Momo-la is always full of collected things that remind her of stories, and she eagerly shares them with her granddaughter. When the girl asks where she finds all these stories, they spend a wonderful day together at the museum, where she learns that everything has a story. After a full day, the girl eagerly brings Momo-La to her room so they can discover even more stories.
Grandmothers and their grandchildren, and all of us who hold the relationship dear, will enjoy the connectedness felt in this book. With engaging illustrations that honor Momo-La’s Tibetan roots, and a beautifully written story, readers and listeners will say the same as my daughter, “read one more time please!”
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