Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 210
Review of Nemesis
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Nemesis is a page-turning, thrilling puzzle that will grab the reader from the very beginning. Told in first-person from the perspective of several different teenage characters, Reichs does a great job of developing his protagonists and also drawing the reader in with realistic, age-specific dialogue. The plot itself is part-mystery and part-doomsday thriller as the teenage characters Min and Noah try to make sense of a world where their own murders don't necessarily end in death, earth-killing asteroids are on the horizon, and there appears to be a dark conspiracy called Project Nemesis that involves everyone they have ever known. In the end, the reader discovers the unbelievable truth about Project Nemesis and while I must admit that I enjoyed reading the book overall, I did feel that I had to stretch my imagination some in order for the ending to make logical sense. Nevertheless, the novel did appear to be set up for a sequel and I would be very interested in where the author goes from here. Overall, Nemesis was a fast-paced and enjoyable YA read for teens, and I would definitely recommend it.
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