Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 323
Perfect Sequel Readers Have Been Waiting For
Overall rating
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Solomon’s books are always a hit for me, and this one was no different. Her characters are vibrant and realistic, both main characters and side characters, and they interact in natural ways that made them practically leap off the page. Just like in Today Tonight Tomorrow, the story reads as kind of a love story to the cities the characters live in for school: Boston and Manhattan. I really enjoyed watching Rowan and Neil both adapt to living away from home for the first time, navigating college and the beginnings of adult life, while balancing the rigors of college academics. On top of that, the characters are dealing with mental health representation

The pace wasn’t consistent throughout the book. The first half was slow-paced, while it picked up significantly in the second half of the story. There is some profanity, but there are a few somewhat graphic intimate scenes sprinkled throughout the book. Although the book is listed as intended for readers ages 14 and above, this may be more suitable for more mature readers.

If you’ve ever wondered what happens after the happily ever after, this is a book you’ll want to pick up. It’s full of engaging and fully fleshed-out characters, an exploration of college and the expectations that people go into it with, and a sensitive journey through mental health challenges that the characters deal with. Be cautious with younger or less mature readers, since there is some profanity, and there are a few intimate scenes in the story. Other than that, this is a fantastic read and the perfect sequel for TTT.
Good Points
-Great mental health representation
-Jewish representation
-Diverse cast of characters
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