Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 694
Listen to the spirits
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I liked:
Roses & Violets is a murder mystery within a magical school; the characters are four girls from different backgrounds. Some know the school from their parents, while others know absolutely nothing. All have been invited to the school and go through tests to determine branches of magic. It had a very Harry Potter-type feel with the mysterious invites, the tests, and of course, it being a magic school. Once you get beyond that and one of the girls discovers a student was murdered, you are off on a murder mystery with some creepy vibes.
Final Verdict:
Roses & Violets have been translated from German and will soon be released in the US; I would not have known if I had not been told that. The story reads very well, and I was wrapped up in figuring out who has done as much as our four main characters. The chapters alternate between each voice and are very short, so you could easily read this in a few days. I am also glad to see that it is not over, and though we learn more about some of the boys, oh, I forgot to mention there were boys, we don't solve the murder in this first book. So I am eager for the second book to be translated and available.
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