Review Detail

4.8 12
Middle Grade Fiction 205
Harry Potter's Long Lost Little Brother! (Maybe)
Overall rating
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Reader reviewed by GRgenius

A riches to rags and back again story that adds the mystery of Magyck to its inner workings.  The first book in the 4 part (currently) series of young Septimus Heap.  If Harry Potter had a younger brother, this could easily be him!  We are introduced to the HEap family at the conclusion of Sarah Heap's pregnancy.  Her baby (number 7) is still born and the midwife wisks away the sad bundle of former joy.  Meanwhile, Silas Heap, her husband, was on his way back from an urgent errand on her behalf when he stumbles across a tiny baby girl discarded and half-hidden in the shadows.  Why she is there he can only guess, but he knows he must protect her as his own from both instinct and the whispered request of Marica Overstrand, Extraordinary Wizard.  Mourning the passing of their baby boy while celebrating the little life that has come their way, Jenna, as she is named, is raised as one of their own.

At the young age of ten, Jenna begins to wonder about her past and where she came from.  It is revealed in good time that she is the long lost princess of their land, but she and the Heaps are in grave danger, henceforth why she was hidden away.  Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, Boy 412 is discovering is he more than what he seems as well.  Raised as an orphan, Boy 412 was placed in the band of thugs that rule the grounds as a make-shift army.  Unbeknownst to him, he is the child thought dead upon birth!  The seventh son of the seventh son, possessing great magyckal powers yet to be discovered!  Who would try to conceal his identity from both him and the world?  What forces of darkness are at work and how can they be escaped?  You'll have to read it to find out.....

Recommended as a quick read for all ages, as well as Harry Potter fans seeking a lighter version in another magyckal world.....happy reading!
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