Sounds Good!: Discover 50 Instruments

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Release Date
February 06, 2024
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An interactive introduction to musical instruments with 50 original compositions to listen to―from the kazoo to the bassoon.

What does a double bass or a sitar sound like? What's the difference between bongos and congas? Which instrument has only one note? Which one takes just 30 seconds to learn?

This book engagingly presents 50 common and uncommon musical instruments with practical and curious facts that will spark interest in music of all kinds. Each instrument features a piece of music composed by an award-winning musician, accessed via QR code.

With instruments presented outside conventional categories, the book is open to all ways of listening and learning. Aspects of history, music theory, and culture are lightly mixed with information about how instruments are made and played. Instruments of all sorts include the voice and computer and unusual instruments such as the theremin and vuvuzela, alongside those that are well known.

Editor review

1 review
Audio + Visual = phenomenal
(Updated: September 10, 2024)
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Sounds Good! uses an innovative approach to introduce 50 common and uncommon musical instruments. The pictures are of animals playing the instruments, and the text is filled with basic facts about the instruments' history, construction, or fun trivia. However, what makes this introductory book a phenomenal tool is that every page contains a QR code so you can listen to a snippet of an original composition using the featured instruments. I enjoyed activating the audio clip and reading the instrument description simultaneously which made for a unique sensorial experience. One small point of disappointment is the clip was longer than it took me to read a page. Although if a child was reading along the length might work out better. The basic facts paired with the audio clips make this book versatile for a wide age range of readers. I can see this being a wonderful addition to a home library, classroom, or music instruction. Overall, I really enjoyed the book and learning about common and unusual instruments.
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