The Bear and Her Book

The Bear and Her Book
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Sophia O’Connor
Publisher Name
North Star Editions/Jolly Fish Press
Age Range
Release Date
November 04, 2023
“The world is big and there’s much to see,
and a bear must go where she wants to be.
And a bear as curious as me longs to gaze at the starlit sea!” 
A book-loving bear sets off to see the world. She takes one special thing—her Bear’s Big Book of Being Wise. But when she meets different creatures, each needing her help, she discovers that books aren’t just brilliant at fixing problems–they can also help you make new friends. And if you’re lucky, books can take you to a very special place indeed . . .

Editor review

1 review
Love for Adventure and Reading
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Bear loves her book, Bear’s Big Book of Being Wise, and carries it with her wherever she goes. Even though she loves her home, she can't help but to want more. As she travels, she meets new friends and even helps them with her handy book that has all kind of advice. But it's still not enough and feels like there's more adventure waiting for her.

THE BEAR AND HER BOOK is a children's book that celebrates a love for reading and adventure. I love how in the end, Bear gets a special reward for her travels. The plot incorporates the idea of wanderlust with soft, detailed illustrations. There are underlying themes of friendship with all of the animals that Bear helps. These days, everyone is searching for more and this book shows how there can be special things waiting for you with each adventure.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children who love animals, reading, and adventure. It's a great story to teach children about the idea of wanderlust and how it's okay to follow your dream.
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