The Beast of Grubbers Nubbin (Stitch Head 5)

The Beast of Grubbers Nubbin (Stitch Head 5)
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Release Date
August 20, 2024
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In this fifth book in the Stitch Head series, a terrible beast roams the town of Grubbers Nubbin every night, looking for food. Can Stitch Head and the others solve this monstrous mystery?

The orphans at Castle Grotteskew are causing chaos ... and getting hungry. With no food in the castle, Stitch Head and Arabella head down to Grubbers Nubbin to see what they can pilfer, but there they encounter a terrifying, savage beast. Could one of Professor Erasmus’s creations be on the loose? Features black-and-white gothic-inspired illustrations throughout.

Welcome to Castle Grotteskew, where Mad Professor Erasmus makes creatures out of spare parts and then casts them aside, looking to make bigger and better. Stitch Head, his first creation, has a heart of gold and is always willing to show the other monsters the ropes—and bail them out of trouble! Join Stich Head and the other occupants of the castle in this exciting series, full of adventures of an almost-lifetime!

Editor review

1 review
A kind heart and upset stomach
(Updated: July 06, 2024)
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What worked:
The main characters were created by Professor Erasmus but these Creations are adorable. Stitch Head is his first creation so he takes on the part of leader. He’s not always confident in what he’s doing but his heart’s always in the right place. Arabella was rescued from a cruel orphanage in the previous book and she’s the only main character who’s human. She has a tendency to take spontaneous action through confrontation and kicking so she’s a stark contrast to Stitch Head. The professor is rarely seen as he’s always in his lab throwing parts together making his next creation. Other Creations making cameo appearances are a glow-in-the-gloom skeleton, a flying eyeball named Dorothea, and Bertram, a dog made of cats.
The book includes subtle humor in various ways. The first chapter is titled “Little Terrors” which describes the one hundred hungry orphans who’ve found refuge in Castle Grotteskew. The title page of each chapter consists of the title (like “One Hundred Suspects”), a subtitle (“Close encounters of the furred kind”), and frequent mad (as in crazy) musings from Professor Erasmus (“Lose your mind, not your potions”). The Creature is a large creation who often speaks through capitalized words and misspellings. He’s convinced he’s an excellent Chief (chef?) and ENTER-TRAINER but his stew full of eyeballs, tentacles, and toes found in the professor’s garbage contradicts that.
The plot is easy to follow for young readers due to its straightforward mystery. Stitch Head and Arabella want to steal food from Grubbers Nubbin to feed the orphans but a beast is now terrorizing the town. It’s introduced without dragging out the anticipation but the characters can’t figure out where it came from. They assume it must be one of the professor’s new Creations but the castle monsters aren’t monstrous and all of them are accounted for. The plot builds to an unforeseen climax in the dark of the night.
What didn’t work as well:
The story may be too simple for more capable readers and the twist regarding the beast may be predictable for them. However, the bizarre characters and humorous dialogue provide plenty of amusement. Also, it’s strange the professor has no idea there are a hundred hungry, screaming kids running around the castle.
The final verdict:
The motley band of Creations are endearing with their positive, helpful attitudes. Short chapters and delightful, gothic illustrations make this book very approachable and enjoyable for young readers. Overall, I recommend you give this book, and the series, a shot.
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